
90 DAYS yoga morning challenge
live guided IN ENGLISH

Let's have a daily live at 7.05


You really want to establish good habits into your life? 2025 will be the year to finally start it.
I want to invite you for a 40 minutes live yoga routine that improves your
flexibility, boosts your energy and lifts your mood on a daily level.

This routine is designed for everyone:
No matter if you never did yoga before or if you are an advanced yogi.

January, 6th – April, 25th 2025.

Without commitment you'll never start,
without consistency you'll never finish.

Denzel Washington

What will happen to you in 3 months?

The daily yoga sessions contribute to improved joint function, allowing smoother and more comfortable movements.

You will beginn to sit taller, catching the attention of friends and colleagues with your newfound agility. 

Become the office mood-lifter without the help of double shot espressos – just pure energy, conscious breathing, and muscle relaxation has an tremendous effect on your energy. 

Keep yourself cool when the boss or your partner unleashes their inner storm – serenity level: expert yogi. Your mood is nothing that happens to you. it happens for you. In the next 3 month you will learn to create space for your feelings by watching your inner world. 

Was du Erwarten kannst

How the course is designed

Your daily practice is based on Iyengar Yoga, which has it characteristics in slow movements and long held posturesThe slow execution, various tools like yoga blocks and a belt with precise instructions give you enough time to practice the positions “correctly.” 

The influences of your emotions are considered so that you learn to listen to your body. It’s a soft combination of breath, movement and awareness.

A well-thought-trough movement practice for both beginners and advanced yogis, that building up on each lesson. And the best thing. I’ll do it with you. Everyday. 

According to studies, establishing new habits takes 66 days.

Was meine Schüler:innen sagen

“The morning routine is the reason why I get out of bed without a second thought. I feel less tired and have much more energy.” – Sambodhi

“I find it fascinating, that after 10 minutes, I feel fresh in my mind and perfectly prepared for the day.” – Martin (german)

“I did yoga for many years, but with Naresh I found the happiness & joy back. It seems very easy but it’s going really deep. It makes me happy.” – Bhavani

“Every day after I do it I feel energized, awake, natural in my body. And that it’s live makes a huge difference.” – Jayesh


I build up the lessons week by week. Starting at the very beginning and throughout the whole course I always give enough alternatives, so every student gets into the flow. 

A recorded session gives you the possibility to practice independently, whenever you find time trough out your day. 

There is a recording that allows you to practice independently. A weekly Q&A makes sure that we are all on track. 

You will experience discomfort. Specially in the first couple of weeks. Your habits will challenge you to give up and go back to what you usually do. Still you can try it out for one week to feel the power of a community. If you still don’t like it, you get your money back.

Initially there is no equipment needed. After the first 2 weeks I will use 2 blocks and a yoga belt. 


I’m a german-based Iyengar teacher and a Sannyasin of Osho.
Aufgrund meiner starken Rücken- und Schulterschmerzen wurde mein eigener Körper zu einem lehrreichen Wegweiser, der mich dazu anregte, mich eingehend mit dem Iyengar-System auseinanderzusetzen.

In 2019 when I opened up to emotional layer of my being by living and working in an Osho community, I understand the holding patterns in my body and found techniques to release that tension. My biggest passion is now to share my experiences with you to make the world a kinder place.

Für mich geht es beim Yoga nicht um Leistung, sondern darum, okay mit dir zu sein. 

The footag was captured in the Antaratma Yoga Shala in Innsbruck

this is my way of Teaching yoga

Meine Yogaklassen sind eine Safety Zone, um dich auszudrücken, zu bewegen und dich lebendig zu fühlen.
Langsame Ausführung, verschiedene Hilfsmittel und präzise Anweisungen geben dir genügend Zeit, um die Positionen "richtig" einzunehmen. Die Einflüsse Ihrer Emotionen werden berücksichtigt, so dass du lernst, auf deinen Körper zu hören. Loslassen bedeutet, auf die eigenen Fähigkeiten zu vertrauen. Dort, wo du gerade bist, bist du genau richtig.

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